
5 Reasons Behind Breast Pain

Breast pain, aka ‘mastalgia’, accounts for nearly half of all breast-related complaints. However, before you start jumping to dire conclusions (breast cancer!), please read this. If you’re suffering from pain, tenderness or increased sensitivity to touch or pressure in one or both of your breasts, we can understand that you’re probably terrified and imagining the worst.

9 Major Mistakes Men Make When Making Love To A Woman!

Women can come off as overwhelmingly complicated but it’s okay. This article will help you up game of pleasing a women in bed. You’re welcome, men. 1.Not kissing Believe it or not, numerous individuals (and this incorporates ladies) don’t kiss their partners when they’re having intercourse. Why? Maybe on the grounds that the situating doesn’t take into account it or they are excessively energetic, making it impossible to peak and feel that it may break the musicality. By and by, it is exceptionally prescribed that you endeavor to kiss your accomplice amid the demonstration – it will just add to the experience. Kissing is a very strong act of physical closeness. It lets the other person know you’re doing what you’re doing lovingly, with your soul involved in the act as well.

How Many Types Of Vaginas Are There?

Who do you think knows the most about vaginas? Doctors? Of course, yes. Can you think of anyone else who has dealt with vaginas all their lives? No, I am not talking about men. It is the bikini waxers. You take your hairy vaginas to them, and they make you feel “clean” and pampered. What do you think they would be thinking about vaginas while at the job? I don’t know about all of them, but here’s the classification of vaginal shapes postulated by a bikini waxer who must have ripped hair off from millions of vaginas. Owing to that number, we believe you, don’t we, readers? Go ahead and read what she’s got to say about the lady gardens.

What Exactly Is Female Ejaculation—And Can Every Woman Do It?

Female ejaculation has something of a mythical reputation when it comes to sexual health topics. Everyone has questions: Can women  actually  ejaculate like men? If a woman can, is that even normal? And what comes out, anyway? To get answers, we reached out to sex experts, who separated the myths from the facts.


On average, 25 years of our lives we spend sleeping. This is important because getting proper rest is essential to our overall well-being. Sleeping has many benefits – it not only revitalizes the body but also makes the brain work optimally.